Social Media or your website where should you spend your time? With the ongoing time pressures of everyday business it is crucial to determine the best strategy to effectively utilize your website, social media and other online activities. With limited time it is good to understand what is what first. By this I mean you must understand clearly where your potential customers may be online and prepare an approach to attract their attention. Once you have their attention you need to get them ...
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Experiment Time - Okay you may not have heard about the Boaty McBoatFace story but you can find out all about it with one quick search online. Basically, an agency in the UK opened up the naming of a boat to the general public. Yep, you guessed it, the leading name chosen by the public was Boaty McBoatface.
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Is your business operating like most small businesses without a written business plan? With no plan, small businesses have a tougher time determining many of the ways to achieve goals for the business. If you don't know where you are travelling to you most likely won't get there unless you are extremely lucky. Take away some of the luck required with a good plan.
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September 2015 witnessed some big announcements in the online advertising space. It seems the online advertising companies are looking to create more direct channels to target customers and others are trying to block the efforts. And we aren’t talking about small players here.
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Over 2 million and in some cases over 100 million online content pieces have been studied to determine these 5 simple strategies to reach a larger audience with your content. The fine people over at have presented this information in a recent webinar.
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Follow the “Better than Gut Pricing Formula“ ™ Pricing is a tough subject for many, myself included. How much do I charge for my service? How much is my extensive experience which created this service worth? How much profit should I receive or need to receive? Follow along as I drive through these and other questions to the “Better than Gut Pricing Formula” which you can use today to help with pricing:
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